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My Biceps

I decided to write this post to meet the wishes of many of you who ask me to pub­lish more pho­tos of my biceps and whose ques­tions revolve only and entirely around them. I will there­fore please the fans of this body part. Info about my biceps:

biceps: 41cm

These were the bare facts and now some­thing about this part of my body… You might be sur­prised, but I don’t attach any spe­cial sig­nif­i­cance to my biceps, at all. I take it as a nat­ural part of my body and make no spe­cial efforts regard­ing it. I train my body, or all its parts, as a whole and I can­not imag­ine favor­ing one of these parts over the oth­ers. That’s some­thing that can be afforded by ama­teur ath­letes, who train mainly for plea­sure and do not worry about their biceps being dis­pro­por­tion­ately over­sized com­pared to their legs; pro­fes­sional and ama­teur body­builders can­not do that, sim­ply because you can’t hide your legs in pants dur­ing a com­pe­ti­tion. So even though some girls (and guys, right?) like big arms, a pro­por­tional fig­ure should be the goal of every one of us. Our opin­ions may dif­fer, though.Although I am very glad that some of you like my biceps so much that you offer me mar­riage, wealth, spon­sor­ship, sup­port, etc. with­out a sec­ond thought, I’m not just “that girl with big biceps”, but one who wants to intrigue as a whole and not only by some part. Any­way, I wanted to write that I’m really grate­ful for any sup­port, encour­age­ment and expres­sions of sym­pa­thy and I appre­ci­ate that even this — for me, a very com­mon and stan­dard part of my body — arouses such admi­ra­tion and inter­est in some of you.







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Lenka Ferenčuková