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mates, friends, sup­port­ers, fans, ath­letes, col­leagues and those of you who are inter­ested in what is hap­pen­ing in my sport. :-)

Thank you for your sup­port and for your inter­est in this sport.

For a long time I hes­i­tated to cre­ate my own web pages until I lis­tened to the wishes of many of you and now I have taken this step.

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Lenka FerenčákováHello mates, friends, sup­port­ers, fans, ath­letes, col­leagues and those of you who are inter­ested in what is hap­pen­ing in my sport. smile Thank you for your sup­port and for your inter­est in this sport. For a long time I hes­i­tated to cre­ate my own web pages until I lis­tened to the wishes of many of you and now I have taken this step. I was think­ing also about the con­tent. I didn‘t want only a web page full of pho­tos and videos of the races and shots from gyms … Every­day many of you are send­ing queries about the size of my biceps, if I have a boyfriend, or offer­ing me spon­sor­ship. There are also those whose con­tact is not very nice … But all of you know that. The answers to most of your ques­tions, for exam­ple from Face­book, you will find over here, and I do not have to write an answer every day to the ques­tion about the size of my biceps … ha-​ha. Sorry, I apol­o­gize. Most of you are nice, friendly, inter­ested about me, about my sport, offer help and sup­port to me because you can imag­ine how much effort, hard work, self-​denial and self-​renunciation it all takes. Every top ath­lete could speak about it for long time, but not every top ath­lete has the same con­di­tions and the same story … What is mine? I’ll try to describe it briefly and also describe one of my work days.

I was born in 1984. In 2003, I grad­u­ated, and in 2011, I received a Bachelor’s degree. I was actively engaged in sports from an early age. In the first grade I was engaged in gym­nas­tics, then I turned to ball games, espe­cially vol­ley­ball. And from the age of eleven, I started play­ing com­pet­i­tive hand­ball. Well, when I found out that there is a gym, I started to like work­out there. …I went every day for hand­ball train­ing and to the gym. On week­ends I had one or two matches. I could not fully focus on the two activ­i­ties, so I decided to con­cen­trate on body­build­ing, and I hope that was a good deci­sion. My begin­nings in the gym were hard as they are for any ath­lete. I was look­ing for infor­ma­tion, try­ing dif­fer­ent exer­cises, train­ing tech­niques; I tried to com­bine school, work and sports, and diet, con­sid­er­ing nutri­tional sup­ple­ments, the first fail­ures, bruises, sweat, back pain, joint pain, etc. My first race … then the fail­ure of other races, when I could not con­trol the tim­ing and the form and when I was very inudated and unformed, etc.

My work with the Police of the Czech Repub­lic, the night shifts, dis­turbed my train­ing, caus­ing me to get up early and train before my daily ser­vice. Silly ques­tions about how a woman can have more mus­cle than many men? What did I take that caused my mus­cles to grew so? How big can biceps be? And how did I need to train to reach suc­cess? And when I say that it is due to care­ful prepa­ra­tion, hard work­out – some­times not only once a day, a strict diet … peo­ple do not believe me … No one sees that I train almost every day, 2x and 3x a day. I am eat­ing chicken cooked in a steamer with­out salt and spices. The so-​called. “Free day” when I can eat “any­thing,” comes only once in a while. (Note. It means once in 14 days, but also once every 3 months … which is really “extreme”). Any­thing does not mean “any­thing” (French fries, cakes, pan­cakes, fried cheese, alco­hol, to which I am already accus­tomed to over the years, even though the com­pe­ti­tion slap­ping my stom­ach with dif­fer­ent foods and I suf­fer with him ), but, for exam­ple sushi. Well … so I just won­der who of those who envy me would do that with me. Every­thing I have achieved so far would not be at all pos­si­ble with­out the peo­ple and coaches who helped me and to whom I must thank. Then there is the sup­port of my fam­ily, even though they have long refused to accept the fact that I stopped play­ing hand­ball and started fol­low­ing a “non-​sport” for a woman. Also, spe­cial thanksto my friends and work col­leagues. It would not be pos­si­ble with­out the kind sup­port of you — fans, friends and sup­port­ers, among you who fully under­stand how dif­fi­cult it is to ama­teur­ishly pre­pare for the com­pe­ti­tion,” in which I would like to suc­ceed one day … I really can not do it with­out support.






fitness      gymstory

Lenka Ferenčuková